Tuesday, June 15, 2004

How To Manage Your Time

As I type this article I am listening to
an audio e-book on time management.

In this talking-ebook Michael Green,
the famous How To tool kit expert, shares
12 powerful time management tools that
every online marketer should follow.

Now to be honest, I have peeked ahead
in the e-book to see what some of these
rules are. Guess what I discovered?

I discovered that not only does he give
and explain 12 time management rules that
we could apply to almost every aspect of
our lives but he also lists 3 important
Don'ts that are just as important.

This e-book is worth every cent that it
normally sells for ($47.00) but I got
it for free and so can you.

Right now you can get this e-book and
the resale rights - free. Just go click
on the title of this article and join
- it's free.

After you join check out all the free
products and be sure to pick up "How
To Manage Your Time."


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