While in Kansas City last weekend we happened to stop behind a car that had a bumper sticker with the following:
The problems we face today cannot be solved by the same minds that created them.
When I first read these words, I got a chuckle and thought, "Boy, isn't' that the truth." I then read it to my husband who was watching the traffic signal. He also chuckled and stated, "They got that right."
Of course neither of us was thinking about any of the problems caused by any of our actions but were applying the message on the bumper sticker to others, specifically the those who make the decisions for our nation and big corporations.
Having now had time to reflect on the message displayed, I think I would like to add the follow so that it would read:
The problems we face today cannot be solved by the same minds that created them unless they adopt a new way of thinking.
Let me know what you think.
To Your Success,
Susan Carroll
Hi Susan.
I totally agree with the addition you made to the bumper sticker.
If we maintain the 'staus quo' and things aren't progressing, in business or in life general, we will stagnate and fail.
One MUST change their way of thinking to survive. What worked yesterday may not be what works tomorrow, so you MUST be able to adapt AND adopt a new way of thinking.
I totally agree with the addition to the bumper sticker. All the great books on success and happiness, talk in great depth on changing of the mind set. To be successful you have to be willing to change.
Thank you John and Sean.
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