Thursday, July 29, 2004

"Dont Let This Happen To You " America's Identity Theft Nightmare

Last night I read a new e-book written by a
fellow subscriber on identity theft. Sadly
I must tell you that the book was written
because of first hand knowledge about this
horrible crime.

Jeffery and Karyn became victims of an
identity theft crime through no fault of
their own and weren't even the intended
victims. Now they are trying to put their
lives back together and help others avoid
being caught in this type of terrible

This e-book contains a lot of information
that everyone, and I mean Everyone
should know.

Things like:

* Many of the ways identity theft happens
* Things everyone should do to protect themselves
* What to do if your identity is stolen
* Who to look to for help if it happens
* How susceptible you are to having it happen
* and a whole lot more.

I must admit that this e-book was not a fun
read because the stories it tells are tragic.
But every story is true and conveys just how
horrible this type of crime is.

Did you know that identity theft can have
more than one victim?

Did you know that identity theft can go on
for years without detection?

Did you know that you could be accused and
arrested for a felony crime when you are
actually a victim of identity theft?

I didn't until I read the e-book.

Again I'll state - This e-book contains
information that everyone should know.

To find out about this new e-book go to

To protect yourself you need to be aware.

Your concerned friend,

MLM Essentials

Carole Pagan of is one of your
fellow subscribers and she wrote me yesterday to
tell me about a new e-book she has written and is
giving away.

I downloaded and read the e-book and think it
would be very beneficial to anyone entering into
an online business. While some of the resources
are specific to MLM most of the topics and
resources could be used by anyone doing online

The name of the e-book is "MLM Essentials" and
it's the first viral training, tips, and tools
handbook for network marketers.

It was written to help people get their new
downline up to speed fast! 

And it's new, so you won't see it all over the
place yet. Only a few ezine publishers know about
it right now. So if you want to get in on a new
viral marketing tool, here's one you can get

Go to
to get your copy today.

 To Your Success,

Monday, July 19, 2004

Murphy's Law

Recently I came across two references to Murphy's
Law. Having seen these types of references before
and because one of the references included a copy
of the law, I thought I would find out what
Murphy's Law actually was.

Well, I found out that Murphy's Law is really
quite short. It is:

"If anything can go wrong, it will."

Then I discovered that all the other laws labeled
Murphy's Laws were actually corollaries that have
been added by others. But a lot of these additions
are actually quite humourous and true.

So, I am sharing some of the newer Murphy's Laws
with you so you can get a laugh just like I did.

Remember, when thing's go wrong it's better to
laugh than cry. Of Course you might want to fix
them too!

Some of the Newer Murphy's Laws

1.  If there is a possibility of several things
     going wrong, the one that will cause the most
     damage will be the one to go wrong.

2.  If anything just cannot go wrong, it will

3.  If you perceive that there are four possible
     ways in which something can go wrong, and
     circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared
     for, will promptly develop.

4.  Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad
     to worse.

5.  If everything seems to be going well, you have
     obviously overlooked something.

6.  Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.

7.  It is impossible to make anything foolproof
     because fools are so ingenious.

8.  Build a system that even a fool can use, and
     only a fool will use it.

9.  Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the
     solution of a problem, it always helps if you
     know the answer.
Corollary: Provided, of course, that you know
there is a problem.

10. The other line always moves faster.

11. In order to get a loan, you must first prove
     you don't need it.

12. Any time you put an item in a "safe place", 
      it will never be seen again.

13. Chaos always wins, because it's better

14. If all else fails, hit it with a big hammer.

15. It takes forever to learn the rules and once
      you've learned them they change again.

16. Anyone who isn't paranoid simply isn't paying

17. If it looks good,
      And it taste good,
      And it feels good,
      There has got to be something wrong some where,
      So be careful.

18. Behind every little problem there's a larger
      problem, waiting for the little problem to get
      out of the way.

19. Every rule has an exception except the Rule of

I have only posted 19 in the hope that you can come
up with good one to end this list.

In addition, I move that we repeal Murphy's Law.
All in favor, say Aye.

To Your Success,

PS Murphy also has a golden rule and it is:
"Whoever has the gold makes the rules."

Thursday, July 01, 2004

The Biggest Lie Ever Told Online

- by Jim Edwards

© Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

I'll admit it... starting out online I fell for
the lie -- hook, line, and sinker.

In fact, I spent thousands of dollars on the lie.

What is it?

Well, let me summarize the biggest lie on the
Internet as told by all the get-rich-quick scammers
(so you buy their "magic" books and software):

"You don't need money, you don't need to invest
time, and you don't need a product in order to make
a million dollars on the Internet. Buy my software…
click this button… and you'll get rich!"

What a truckload of dog poo-poo!

Now, before the doom and gloom crowd get started,
don't get me wrong.

I still firmly believe that anybody can succeed

If you know what to do, you can actually succeed
faster than people did it back in the late 1990's
because customers now understand how to use the
Internet more than they did even six or seven
years ago.

It's actually easier to sell products and make an
income online than it's ever been before in the
history of the Internet… even if you're operating
on a total "shoestring" budget!

But more on that in a minute…

There are basically 2 pieces of the puzzle that
lead to making real, consistent, lasting income

The First Puzzle Piece...

The first piece of the puzzle is an investment of
time, energy, and effort.

Anyone who believes they can make money on the
Internet with no effort needs to slam their head
against a wall and WAKE UP!

There's a universal law called "Cause and Effect"
you need to be aware of in all that you do.

In short, it says that you can't get any results
without any input.

You can stare at a soda machine… rub the soda
machine… hope, wish, beg, or otherwise try to
persuade a soda machine to give you drink, BUT,
without first *doing* something to make soda come
out, you'll NEVER get one!

You can't get a soda from a vending machine unless
you *do* something:

Put in a dollar in the machine and press a button
-- or --

Beat the hell out of the machine with a sledgehammer,
break the lock, and steal a soda -- or --

Tip the machine upside down and make all the drinks
fall out -- or --

Take some other *action* that leads to soda coming
out of the machine.

Here's how this same universal law of "Cause and
Effect" -- which NOBODY can avoid -- applies to
the Internet.

If you don't do anything, nothing happens. "
Nothing in… nothing out!"

If you do just a little, you still don't get
anything. " Garbage in… garbage out!"

If you learn to take efficient, purpose-driven
action, you'll get the results you want. "Quality
in… quality out!"

If you want the results of a consistent, quality
income and a thriving business, you must make an
investment of time and energy.

You can do this one of two ways:

You hire someone to do all the work and invest the
time and energy that it takes (can actually be done
more cheaply than you might think… but nobody,
unless they have brain damage, will do it for free
as many scammers would have you believe.)

You invest the time, energy and effort yourself
instead of spending the money to have someone or
something do it for you.

The Second Puzzle Piece...

The second piece of the puzzle for long-term
success is having your own unqiue product.

Now I know there are people out there, myself
included, selling courses on how to make money as
an affiliate.

Those plans work (and they work very well),
however, for long-term success online and to get
other people to build your business for you, you
must have your own product.

Now let us talk about what kind of product you need.

First, you need to have a downloadable product, and
the reason for that is actually twofold:

1. You create the product once and it's done.

When you sell an ebook over and over and over, you
are selling the same file... you don't have to go
make a new copy every single time you sell it like
you do with a physical product.

2. A downloadable product enables you to create an
"oil well" website where everything truly does
operate on autopilot (where the website does the
selling, payment processing, and product delivery
all without any interaction on your part).

In short, a downloadable product enables you to get
paid over and over again for taking one-time actions…
which, in my opinion, is about the most exciting
thing that's ever happened in the world of
information publishing!

Your Two Simplest Options For Creating Your Own
"Oil Well" Product… Even On A "Shoestring"

You have two primary options for creating a simple
but valuable downloadable product.

The first and simplest is to create an ebook.

An ebook is a neatly packaged set of information
(usually published as a PDF or .EXE file) that has
a beginning, middle, and end.

An ebook usually solves a problem or satisfies a
pressing need for a specific niche audience.

Your other option for creating a downloadable
product is to hire someone to create a piece of
software for you.

I have done this with my Affiliate Link Cloaker
Software; however, when you're just starting out I
don't recommend this option.

The reason I do not recommend it is because your
own software often requires too much customer
support and customer service on the back end that
you do not need at this stage of your online career.

My advice is to start out with an ebook or
text-based special report targeted at a specific,
highly defined niche market.

So, just to summarize what we've talked about so

You can't succeed in any way, shape or form online
without some investment of time and/or money.

For long-term success, you must have your own
product… and an information product is best.

Out of your two primary options for a simple,
downloadable product, ebooks or special reports
represent the best choice when you're first
starting out.


First, because your only support requirement with
an ebook is to make sure people can actually
download it and read it.

Second, an ebook has a high perceived value...
especially if it solves a problem or solves a
pressing need for a specific target audience.

Third, an ebook is your fastest time to market
with a product if you're operating on a shoestring

FACT: You can create a killer ebook in 7 days or
less if you know the proven techniques.

Fourth, if you make sure you target a specific
niche, you can build a list of customers whom you
can sell more stuff to!

FACT: If you have your own, original ebook, it is
MUCH easier for you to quickly build a loyal list
of subscribers. I'll explain why in just a minute.

Now, it is possible to build a list of customers
while selling as an affiliate, but it takes a lot
longer to do it. Also, it's a lot harder to get
somebody else to endorse you to their list of
customers and subscribers, which is one of the best
and fastest ways of building your own list of
customers and subscribers quickly!

Which brings us to our next point…

Your Own Unique Product Generates Higher Quality
Traffic You Don't Have To Pay For!

The next key to your success online after you
have your own unique product is traffic.

FACT: Nobody makes it online without traffic...
it's the life-blood of ANY online business!

Now, if you operate strictly as an affiliate
selling other people's products, you only have one
option for getting traffic: you must buy it.

You either buy it with your time… or you buy it
with your money.

To buy traffic with your time, you do things like
write articles and submit comments on discussion
boards. Both of these are very effective traffic
techniques when done correctly.

You can also buy traffic with your time by promoting
to the free search engines… but this can represent a
very time-consuming, complicated and "iffy"
proposition that doesn't carry any predictable level
of success -- especially when you're just starting

To buy traffic with your money, you do things such
as pay-per-click advertising on search engines like
Overture and Google Ad Words. You can also do some
advertising in ezines with classified ads and

Bottom Line: Those are your options for getting
traffic if you don't have your own product.

(And NO, ffa pages, safelists, exit traffic
exchanges, "randomizers" and all that other crap
doesn't work to generate quality traffic! People
who sell that junk fall into the category of idiots
telling the biggest lie ever told online like I
talked about at the beginning of this report!)

However, when you have your own products, not only
can you use these paid traffic sources, but you can
also take advantage of much faster traffic sources…
specifically getting endorsements for your product
from others who target the same niche market you do.

MILLION DOLLAR TIP: If you want to succeed faster
than anyone else in a particular niche market,
create an ebook that complements but does not
compete with the majority of the players focusing
on that niche. This will enable you to more easily
find people to announce your product out to their
lists and bring you gobs of traffic than if you
have an ebook that's in direct competition with a
product offered by the person you're approaching
to endorse you.

Example of this Million Dollar Tip from my own

I regularly turn down offers to promote products
about writing ebooks. Why? Because I've
co-authored several products about creating ebooks
already. Why would I want to promote a direct

But I'm very open to ebook related products like
PDF converters, effective ebook promotion tools,

See the difference? The first group compete with
me, but the second group complement what I already

<-- Side Note -->

As we move on, I will make one assumption here,
simply because it takes 50 pages to teach you, but
I have to assume that you also have a good one page
sales letter website. You can either do it yourself
or hire someone to create it for you.

<-- End Side Note -->

Once you have your one-page sales letter website up
and you run traffic across it from pay-per-click
search engines, articles, and the like, you'll know
"your numbers" and be able to approach super
affiliate partners.

You see, once you have your own product, in this
case an ebook that targets a niche market, you can
generate big blasts of traffic by finding and
persuading as many endorsement partners as you can,
commonly called "super affiliates," to endorse your
product to their lists.

This is how you get the large, instant traffic
bonanzas that build your business very, very
quickly! (And, in the beginning of my career, this
was one of my main ways to get traffic quickly and
in large quantities when I didn't have a list of
my own!)

Then, to build a steady stream of traffic, you
roll your ebook out with your own affiliate program
and by promoting with articles… which are your
two best sources of ongoing traffic.

What makes this even better is that all the while
you are driving traffic, you are building your own
list of customers and subscribers to whom you can
sell over and over again…

Your Own Opt-In List Of Subscribers Is The Key…
And It All Starts With Your Own Product

The final piece of the puzzle to building a
long-term online business is to constantly build
your opt-in list of subscribers.

One of the ways to do this is with a strong
mini-course, especially promoting it to those who
do not buy your ebook on the first go around.
(You can model one of the most popular mini-courses
in the history of the Internet at the bottom of
this page. Sign up for it, watch what we do and how
we do it... this can serve as a model for your own
highly successful mini-course.)

An effective mini-course accomplishes several things
for you:

1. First, it gives you the opportunity to
repeatedly contact people who show up to your
site, but do not buy right away, and encourage them
to make a purchase.

2. Second, this follow-up will help cement your
relationship with your affiliates (both Super and
regular) because, if your affiliate software
cookies the visitor like Clickbank does, and the
visitor purchases from the follow up messages,
your partners will get the sales credit.

3. Third, this automated follow up, combined with
more sales for affiliates, creates a wonderful
money-cycle for you! As you build your subscriber
base, you're making sure your partners get credited
with their sales… which in turn will make them want
to promote you even more… which will bring you even
more subscribers -- and the wonderful cycle

Bottom Line: Long Term Success Online Can Only Come
From Having Your Own Product

Let me summarize this entire report with the key
points you must take away if you hope to succeed:

1. Don't believe the lie that you can succeed
online with no effort, no money, and no investment
of time… but understand that with the right
strategies you can actually succeed faster online
than you ever could offline - especially if you're
operating on a "shoestring" budget.

2. Having your own unique product that targets a
specific, highly-focused niche is an absolute MUST
if you want to succeed in the short AND long term.

3. Once you have your own product that targets a
niche, make sure that you concentrate on driving
traffic and building your list.

4. Work that list over and over and over with value
added information so that they will come back and
buy… which will reward not only you, but the
partners who bring you more and more traffic.

Bottom Line: This whole process starts with having
your own, unique product.

There is no way around it.

Whether you have an unlimited budget or if you're
operating on a shoestring, or even if you're
simply looking for a proven way to establish
yourself online, creating an ebook still represents
the simplest way to get going, build a list, make
money, and establish yourself in the marketplace.


Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist
and the co-author of an incredible *proven* ebook
that will teach you how to write and publish your
own highly profitable ebook in as little as 7 Days
or less... even if you failed high school English

The Original *Proven* BluePrint For Creating
Highly-Profitable "Niche" Ebooks!
Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale have created the
*ultimate* guide
"How to Write and Publish your own Outrageously
Profitable eBook... in as little as 7 Days!"

FREE Details: Click Article Title

FREE Mini-Course: ==> Click Article Title and
See Bottom Of Page