Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Does Your Left Hand Know What Your Right Hand Is Doing?

Last week I got a JV offer from the owner of
Spyware Nuker. Nice offer, but the timing
was off since I already bought the product.

Well, I replied to the offer and mentioned
that I had already purchased the product and
use it regularly.

Jon replied that he had another new product
and offered a JV for it. Since I am so happy
with Spyware Nuker, I replied immediately
that I would love to try the new product.

Well, Jon then passed my message on to his
staff because I received a mailing on his
behalf. Unfortunately, they don't read their
mail too well since they offered me a free
key to Spyware Nuker.

I am sure we will sort this mess out but it
did point out a good lesson.

If you have others assisting you in your
online or off line business, make sure
everyone keeps current on what's going

Don't think you know what's happening.

Don't assume you know what is being said.

Don't allow spyware and adware to infest
your computer.
Run Spyware Nuker.

Heck, even if Jon and his staff are
confused, they do have a great product
and I do clean my computer with it a
couple of times a week.

To Your Success,

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