Monday, December 13, 2004

December Email

Do you ever get overwhelmed?

Well, I do and here's one of the reasons...
December online offers!

During the month of December just about everyone
with an online business is offering a free gift or a
super sale. And I mean everyone: big corporations
like Hickory Farms and Home Depot and online marketers
like Shawn Casey and Rosalind Gardner. And yes, even
I am doing it too.

Now I won't go into the reasons we are all doing this
since it is obvious. I'll just admit that it does get
overwhelming at times even for those who are doing it.

Why am I breaking some unwritten law and admitting this?

Last Friday I had some updates I wanted to share with you
but didn't get it out because I spent all day looking and
reading all the great offers coming into my mailbox. The
result of my effort was as they say ... zip, zilch, nada.
I didn't find the "golden fleece", didn't find the gift no one
could live without and didn't find a single piece of advice
that would improve my life.

Then on Saturday I figured better late than never so I
was going to send out my updates but I didn't. Not
because I was busy reading my email but because of
the number of emails I received. I wasn't busy reading
email ... I was sitting and staring in awe at the number
I had received overnight. I figure you woke up to a ton
of email on Saturday too.

With all that email going out to be read on Saturday
and Sunday I then decided to wait until you had a chance
to clean out your inbox before sending out my updates.

So what's the point of this article? I haven't got a clue.

It's just my way of venting about the number of emails
being sent this month.

Don't Forget To Clean Out Your Inbox,

PS - I have a separate mailbox for your important mail so
feel free to write even during this hectic month because
hearing from you is one of the highlights of my day.

I won't post my email address here but you can find it


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