Friday, June 11, 2004

How To Build A Responsive Mailing List

I recently ran an ad for one of my
internet friends, Hodges Hines. In
case you missed the ad I am making
the information available here because
the e-book he published holds a vast
amount of information.

The e-book, "Travels Through Cyberspace,
Vol.1-How To Build A Responsive Mailing
List With $100" contains information
gathered from eight online publishers.

I could give you the names of the eight
publishers but instead I will give you
the nicknames Hodges as given them and
let you guess which one I am. Oh, did
I forget to mention that I am one of
the contributors? Well I am and here is
the list to chose from:

The Canadian Mountie
The Little Princess
The Enforcer
The Man From Belgium
Mr. Happy Go-Lucky
The Lady Conqueror
Mr. Steady
Busy As A Bee

Each of these publishers wrote from their
own experiences and no two are alike.
Some spent the $100 and other didn't but
they all lay it all out and tell you
exactly what they did.

Right now Hodges is offering a 30%
discount on his "Travels Through
Cyberspace" e-book to the subscribers of
the FriendsWhoCare Newsletter. See for
yourself but don't buy from this link:
Instead, click the title of this
article so you can receive the

To Your Success,
Publisher of FriendsWhoCare Newsletter and
Contributor to "Travels Through Cyberspace"

PS: Hodges gave you his email address in the
ad because he believes so strongly in the
material that if you buy it and you don't
think TTC is good stuff, he'll refund the
purchase amount and let you can keep the
bonuses. I'll repeat that information here:

Hodges Hines

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