Thursday, September 30, 2004

A New Blogger Exchange

We all know that Blogs have become big news
on the internet over the last 6 months.
And since they are so popular we should have
guessed that someone would figure out a way
to help generate even more traffic to them.

Today I discovered that a new traffic exchange
specifically designed for bloggers has been
started. It was launched last week and it makes
for very interesting reading.

Blogexplosion does not allow blogs that simply
promote traffic exchanges and business opportunities.
All the blogs must be about discussion and visiting
interesting sites about travel, technology, relationships,
hobbies, art, culture, sports ...

So if you want some interesting surfing, this
is the place to check out.

And if you have a blog you may want to generate
more traffic to it by joining this new exchange.

To Your Success,

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