Friday, September 10, 2004

What's Wrong With Internet Marketing Today

Here's one example of what's wrong with internet
marketing today:

A lot of proclaimed internet marketing experts
are in such a hurry to be the first one to
announce a new product that they aren't taking
the time to write an original message or an
original idea. Instead they are using the
pre-written sales copy.

Here are two examples:
Hi Susan:

Mark your calendar.

On the 10th of September, you'll be able to read all
about a Top Secret Internet Marketing Experiment.

The results of this experiment will change:

* The way you think
* The way you behave
* The way you see the Internet
* The way you view money
* The way you MAKE money

Bottomline: It'll be a life-changing experience, and
that goes beyond a guarantee.

It's a promise!

... etc, etc....

Did you get any of these?

I got 3.

All of them were exactly the same.

Or how about the day John Reese's package came
Dear Susan,

Some Great News about Traffic Secrets

*** "Florida Man Gets Hit By 2nd Hurricane! ***

The servers were at an absolute crawl this morning.

The load was so intense that, due to the enormous
strain, the launch was delayed by a few minutes to
remove the demonstration videos.

No one got a chance to see them! It was a traffic hurricane.

I'm really sorry if you went to the site to watch these
demo videos. But that site got more traffic today than
most websites on the Internet get in an entire year!

... etc, etc....

I got so many of these that I actually lost count.

*** Side Note ***
Of course there were a few wiser marketers who sent
out original messages and some of them even offered
a bonus for buying from them.
*** End ***

Now give me a break! We all know that writing your
own sales copy and your own personal recommendation
is the best way to sell something. I mean, every
so called internet marketing expert keeps telling us that.

So what's up? Why are all the "big money makers"
sending out canned sales copy? Don't they know that
they are going to lose some credibility by violating
one of their primary rules for email advertising?

I don't know about you, but when I see the same
subject line in multiple email or recognize an
email as one I have already read, I just start
deleting them. And while I know that John made
over $1,000,000. in one day which means he sold
about 1,000 copies (not a bad days sales!) what
I would really like to know is the percentage of
sales to emails sent. The joint venture partners
he had for this package all had huge mailing lists.

The point of this article is:

If you are going to promote something, either as
an affiliate, joint venture partner, or product
owner, take some time to write or at least modify
the pre-written sales letter. Make your offer
different. Put some thought and some of your
personality into it.

Whether you have a list or are paying to advertise
to someone else's, don't send out a mailing that
the readers will recognize as a "canned" message
and automatically delete. Write your own headline
and message and give the readers a reason to open
the email and read it.

To Your Success,

PS If you agree or disagree with this article,
please make a comment.

1 comment:

Tinu said...

I hope "amen" isn't too strong of a comment. :) I wish I had clicked through to your blog before...